Make Up Artistry Cirriculum for Excellence

Make Up Artistry Cirriculum for Excellence

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Learner Leaflet (1.72 MB)

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Photographer Darrell Jack working alongside our HNC Fashion Make-up students

Speaking to the photographer yesterday, he made the following comments:

‘This is my first time as a photographer at James Watt College, Finnart Campus.  I’ve worked at other colleges, and have found JWC to be really friendly.  Great working with the students – the make-up looked fantastic, and they were a pleasure to work with’


Tuesday, 18 September 2012


Aspiring make-up artists from across the West of Scotland gathered at James Watt College in Greenock for a masterclass from a renowned industry professional. Paul Herrington, Head of Artistry at Bobbi Brown and make up artist to the stars, shared his tricks of the trade with students from James Watt College, Clydebank College ….

As one of the most in-demand make up artists in the industry, Paul works on runway shows and high profile events such as New York Fashion Week and Britain’s Next Top Model. Paul’s latest work was make-up for a red carpet event for Laura Trott, Olympic Gold Medallist.

Paul relayed his experiences and shared his insider tips, demonstrated the best techniques to use and advised the students on the latest trends in the industry. He was joined at the seminar by other members of the Bobbi Brown team from Glasgow Frasers. 

Paul commented “I was more than happy to visit the make-up students and deliver a masterclass and question & answer session. I enjoy nurturing new talent; when I started in the industry 23 years ago I would have loved to have heard insights from industry professionals and stories that bring the industry to life. I was happy to share some of the highlights of my career, such as high profile events and celebrities I have worked with, as well as discuss parts of the job that can be more difficult in order to give them a balanced view of the industry.

“I hope I have inspired the students and given them some motivation to go forward in what is a very rewarding career. I have travelled all over the world and met so many interesting people. If you work hard, listen and learn, this job can take you absolutely anywhere.”  

Morven Aikman, Curriculum Manager and Makeup Artistry Lecturer at James Watt College commented“This annual event is a highlight for our students and an excellent opportunity for them to listen to, ask questions and learn from someone who has worked at the top of the beauty industry for more than 20 years. We would like to thank Paul for taking time out of his busy schedule to deliver this motivational lecture and I know the students learned a lot from his live demonstrations.  

“We were pleased to welcome students and staff from other colleges; we work very hard at collaborating with other centres and as good practice we link regularly throughout the year.

“Bobbi Brown is one of the most famous and high-quality brands in the world so we are proud of our close links and great relationships with them. Isobel Donald, one of our lecturers here at the college, is also a member of the Glasgow Bobbi Brown team so our students benefit from her excellent links and experience within the industry.

Places are still available on some Beauty and Make-up Artistry courses at James Watt College with immediate starts, telephone 01475 724433 or visit

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Bobbi Brown Seminar

invite only

Tammie Dineen work experiance in London

 Tammie Dineen had the chance to go to the Royal National Theater in London where she spend a week shadowing other make up artists she say`s

"I really enjoyed my time down in London at the royal national theatre, it was very beneficial in allowing my to experience how professional makeups work in the west e d of London. I learned a lot of tips whilst working within the theatre, in my time spent there I was given a tour of the theatre and watched a show, i also helped to set wigs and style them and i made a facial moustache also. I thourally enjoyed my time and loved the atmosphere of London theatre"

Friday, 27 July 2012

Make Up Artists To The Stars

Two James Watt College Make-up Artist students gained some unique work experience recently, when they helped convert the Proclaimers into old ladies for their recent video.
The Proclaimers on set of their new video
Chelsea Smith, age 20 from Stirling and Jennifer McCann, age 20 from Glasgow had the opportunity to attend the shoot for ‘Spinning Around In The Air’ and help with the radical transformation of twins Charlie and Craig Reid.
Chelsea commented “Our lecturer, Isobel Donald asked the class if anyone would be interested in gaining some work experience, but wouldn’t tell us what it was. Myself and Jennifer volunteered and were delighted to hear what it was for.
"It was a great experience to be on set and watch everyone at work. I gained a good understanding of how to put into practice what I have been learning on my course and learned about the role of a make-up artist on set. The video is a satire on a Golden Wedding party and we were also lucky enough to be asked to be an extra on the video. The Proclaimers themselves were really nice guys, everyone was so down to earth and made us feel very welcome.
James Watt College students Chelsea Smith and Jennifer  McCann worked on the Proclaimers' new music video
Make-up Artist lecturer, Isobel Donald commented “I was working as the wigs mistress and one of four make-up artists on-set, so thought it would be beneficial for some of the students to attend as it would be great experience for them to put on their CV. It gave the girls a great insight into what it entails to pull a video shoot like this this together and see how hard everyone works in the industry. Our day started at 6am and finished at midnight and we were on our feet constantly with long periods of waiting around. It’s not all glitz and glamour, but it’s worth it for the excitement, buzz and job satisfaction."
Both girls completed an HND Make-up Artistry at the college. James Watt College offers a range of courses in this field, which will appeal to anyone wanting to work in fashion & photographic make-up, retail, TV, film or theatre.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

James Watt Graduate Students Work In Industry

James Watt graduate students and Lectures helped out on La Cage Aux Folles this week at the kings  theatre Glasgow


The Orpheus Club is the longest performing Amateur dramatic club in the UK and possibly the world. They have performed every year since 1892 and have a history which is probably unmatched in theatrical history. At the end of this month the club is performing La Cage Aux Folles, a show which has something of a cult following.

Make-Up Students Learn from Industry Experts

Students studying Make-up Artistry
at the Finnart Campus have benefited
from the experience of top industry
experts recently.

Lauren Sullivan and Annie Tagge from

Chalres Fox Make-up visited the college
to deliver a talk on what’s new in industry
and gave an invaluable demonstration
to the students on air brushing. Annie
also spoke to the students about work
experience placements that will be
available with the top London make-up
company in the near future.
NQ Make-up students also had the chance
to hone their skills when they attended
a Bobbi Brown workshop at The House
of Frasers in Glasgow. Professional Bobbi
Brown make-up artists performed various
demonstrations for the students, followed
by a question and answers session. The
students were even allowed to try and test
the products for themselves. The fashion
make-up workshop will help prepare the
students for moving on to the HNC Fasion
Make-up after the summer.
Isobel Donald, make-up artistry lecturer
at the college, said: “Students benefit from
seminars and events, both in the college
and out in industry surroundings like
the House of Frasers. The make-up team
news student news
25 jameswatt
feel it is really important for our students
to have regular input from top make-up
companies, keeping them up-to-date with
the most current products on the market.
James Watt College is the only Scottish
college to enjoy close links to Bobbi Brown
and links with high-profile companies such
as these are important for our learners
to gain a valuable insight into real-work
Sharon Carey, Bobbi Brown make-up artist
commented “The students were very eager
and came equipped with lots of relevant
questions. In addition to demonstrating
bridal and coffee-to-cocktail looks, the
students also had the opportunity to create
their own looks. We chose three winners
who won a selection of Bobbi Brown
products. Everyone was very enthusiastic
and I was very impressed with their artistry
“Seminars such as these are great
experience for the students; it’s a good
way for them to learn out-with their own
surroundings. Working at a make-up
counter is a good avenue for make-up
students to go down when they graduate
as they also get to represent the company
as an artist at training seminars, fashion
awards etc. Many previous James Watt
College graduates have joined us.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Dramatic Displays at Oran Mor

ramatic Displays at Oran Mor

The final year HND make-up artist
students from Finnart Campus put
on a spectacular exhibit of their work
in a live presentation in the stunning
surroundings of the Oran Mor in
Glasgow recently.

Real models were used for the students
to present their chosen look, selected
from character make-up, period or special
effects. The final result was a dramatic
display of looks ranging from the Bride
of Frankenstein, Cirque de Soleil and
Hellraiser to Jesus, Texas Chainsaw
Massacre and the Wicked Fairy.
The event gives students the chance to
flaunt their skills to industry contacts,
potential employers and professional

Make-up Artist lecturer at the college,
Maureen Manley, commented “The HND
students graded unit is a culmination
of their work over the last two years.
It is entirely up to them what look they
wish to create and most students chose
something in an area they are hoping to
break into when they graduate. They have
to style every part of their model to perfect
their look – hair, clothes and make-up, in
addition to creating their own background
“There was a very high standard of work
on display and it is an excellent chance for
our students to network with professionals
from the industry, show off their portfolios,
gain contacts and give out their business cards.”

Thursday, 22 March 2012

PARIS 2012

Paris is now booked for 2012
HNC/HND Make Up Artists
Cant wait to see you all there!!!!!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012